Like ir or not, a (r)evolution in Filmmaking is here, and it’s powered by AI.
Free submissions for limited time, run!
year of the festival
Dates & Deadlines
August 26 2024 Opening Date
November 1 2024 Regular Deadline
November 17 2024 Notification Date
December 14 2024 Event Date
“We encourage a wide array of participants to submit their work, as our festival is not just a platform for competition but also a community space for networking, sharing, and discussion. We believe that the exchange of ideas and experiences is as valuable as the awards themselves.”
Odair Faléco – CIAIFF president, filmmaker
Festival Jury
Right now we are in the process of assembling the jury of the festival. Stay tuned for more information.
Rules & Terms
Simple but strict. Check FilmFreeway profile for a current list of all rules.
Awards & Prizes
Best AI Film
Best Sci-Fi
Best Music Video
Best Sound Design
Best Script & Narrative
Best Photography
Creative use of AI
Honourable Mentions
How to submit an AI film to the festival contest?
We organize the contest through the FilmFreeway platform, where you need to register and submit your AI film through the CIAIFF profile.
Is the contest only for creators from the Czech Republic?
No, the contest is open to creators from around the universe.
When and where will the winners be announced?
The ceremonial announcement of the winners will take place on December 14 at the Kino Atlas in Prague.
What is the history of the festival?
The first year took place in 2023 under the name AI Klapka, and more than a film festival, it was an experimental event and a demonstration of what can be created with AI. In 2024, we decided to professionalize the festival due to the great interest. With the new name comes greater ambitions and goals.
How can I see the festival in person?
Ticket sales will start soon. We welcome all those interested in AI filmmaking.